Carmel Garden School

Diamond Jubilee 1964 - 2024


Carmel Garden, the first Matriculation School for boys in the city of Coimbatore was started on the first of June 1964 by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Coimbatore under the auspices of the R.C. Mission founded by His excellency Most Rev. Francis. M. Savarimuthu.

எம் பள்ளியின் வரலாறு...

எம் பள்ளியின் வரலாறு... அப்போதைய கோவை ரோமன் கத்தோலிக்க மறைமாவட்ட ஆயர் மேதகு.பிரான்சிஸ் சவரிமுத்து அவர்களால் 1964ம் ஆண்டு ஜீன் மாதம் முதல் தேதி கோவை மாநகரத்......

Engaging God's world through faith

Our Chapel

The whispered breath, murmured prayers, soft Amen’s a faint humming are heard in this sacred place of our Lord.

Our Vision Ethos

Diamond Jubilee

1964 – 2024

The celebration began with a captivating  traditional and energetic welcome that set the perfect tone for the day. Dignitaries, retired teachers, former principals, parents, and esteemed guests were warmly greeted in the Carmelite spirit, reflecting the school’s legacy of respect and gratitude.


Our Patrons and Bishops

Most Rev. Dr. Francis M. Savarimuthu

Founder and Bishop of Coimbatore (1950 – 1971)

Most Rev. Dr. C.M. Visuvasam

Patron and Bishop of Coimbatore (1950 – 1971)

Most Rev. Dr. M. Ambrose D.C.L

Patron and Bishop of Coimbatore (1981 – 2002)

Most Rev. Dr. L. Thomas Aquinas M.A., D.C.L.

Patron and Bishop of Coimbatore(2002-)

We are LIVE

Education plays a great role in everyone’s life by building personality, improving knowledge , skill and providing a feeling of well-being of a person. Education helps a person in nourishing his present and future by ensuring the aim of life.

Carmel garden


Welcome to Carmel Garden, the first Matriculation School for boys in the city of Coimbatore, was started on the first of June 1964 by the Coimbatore Catholic Dioces Society under the R.C. Mission.Founded by his Excellency Rt. Rev. Mgr. Francis M. Savarimuthu, the then Bishop of Coimbatore, the school came up in a vast campus of 6 acres in a prime locality near Sungam,
Red fields, Coimbatore.

Our learning system

Our Learning System characteristics are congruent with its goals, can easily be changed by all learners, and are used to evaluate the success of the Learning System.

Teachers  at Carmel Garden expose students to diverse as each individual is an entity with unique emotional, social, intellectual needs, varied personalities, and learning styles who endeavours to attain optimum potential. When this journey is joyful with minimum struggle & frustration, the entire growth process becomes a blissful experiencee

304 Students in Kindergarten
1812 total Students.
Teaching 70, Non Teaching 30.
Students Pass Percentage in Examinations
Students teacher ratio, for proper attention on child.

What sets us apart?

Personalized Attention

The initiation of an authentic relationship by a teacher with a student can result positively for a student’s desire to prioritize life of learning and succeeding. Teacher-student relationship begins the first day of school.
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Carmel Football Academy

Football is the world’s most popular ball game in numbers of participants and spectators. Simple in its principal rules and essential equipment, the sport is played almost all parts of the World. Our students are coached by AB certified Coaches.
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Co curricular activities

Co-curricular activities fuel your learning by stimulating creative thoughts, improving your social and organizational skills, developing your interests and talents, and offering you the chance to switch off and do something you really enjoy.
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Teaching Faculty

Teachers are great sources of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment to which anyone can be benefited for whole life. They serve as the real light in everyone’s life as they help students to make their ways in the life.
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Student Clubs

Students can unravel their strengths like multitasking, organization skills, team building skills, leadership skills and service mindedness. They can also add skills to their repertoire. The clubs also help in pursuing an old hobby.
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Extra curricular activities

Co-curricular activities fuel the learning by stimulating creative thoughts, improving their social and organizational skills, developing students interests and talents, and offering them the chance to switch off and do something they really enjoy.
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Bringing out the talent within

"A superior leader is a person who can bring ordinary people together to achieve extraordinary results". Every student is born with either one or multiple innate talents that make them aware of their skills and give them the impetus to heighten their skills further. As we never know what potential each student holds inside them! "

Start your future today

Apply for a new admission on or before june 2023.
We firmly believe that quality and standard of education are maintained in Carmel Garden Matriculation School. I wish my students God’s Blessings in this new academic year 2023-24.

Apply for Admission

We incorporate values and disciplined training through Decpline, We at Carmel Garden not only Educate the children but also build up our Nation with young citizens of staunch dedication. To fulfill all these aspirations, the school has been taking every effort to recruit Boys and Girls, to become Good citizens of India

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The students of GARMEL GARDEN  have always marked their presence wherever they go. They have been reaching heights of success since 1965.

Alumni! We'd love to hear from you

School isn't easy, and it's not supposed to be. You will struggle and you will feel like giving up at some point. However, these moments are those that define your undergrad experience. Talk to a friend, a classmate or even approach a professor. By making the most of your tough moments you will realize that you've taught yourself how to succeed. Wishing Gamel students every success in the future. Be the best student you can be, it is more rewarding than you think!

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